1. Mazur M.J. (1999). The seismic characterization of meteorite impact structures // Calgary UNIVERSITY
  2. Mazur M.J., Stewart R.R., Hildebrand A.R., Lawton D.C., Westbroek H.-H. (1999). Seismic characterization of impact craters: A summary // CREWES Research Report - Volume 11
  3. Mazur M.J., Stewart R.R. (2000). The Hotchkiss structure: a possible buried impact feature in Alberta, Canada. Lunar and Planetary Science [Electron. Ed.], Houston (Tex.) - Vol. 31 , P.1123/1-/2
  4. Jarmo Moilanen (2009). Impact Structures of the World.
  5. D. Rajmon (2012).

Спутниковая фотография кратера из Google Earth.

The Hotchkiss structure in NW Alberta shows many of the diagnostic characteristics of a complex impact crater. A central uplift, a faulted rim, structurally pinched areas, and possible central faults are apparent. Also notice the large amount of drape in the overlying sediments. (Mazur, 1999)

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