Other references with Schmidt G.

  1. Schmidt G., Pernicka E. (1991). The determination of platinum group elements (PGE) in target rocks and fall-back material of the Nordlinger Ries Impact crater (Germany). Meteoritics 26, 392.
  2. Schmidt G., Pernicka E. (1991). The determination of platinum group elements (PGE) in target rocks and fall-back material of the Nordlinger Ries Impact crater (Germany). In Abstracts for the 54th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Monterey (Kalifornien), 207.
  3. Schmidt G., Zhou L., Wasson J. T. (1993). Iridium in sediments containing large abundances of Australasian microtektites from DSDP hole 758B in the Eastern Indian Ocean and from DSDP hole 769A in the Sulu Sea. In Lunar Planet. Sci. XXIV, Lunar Planet. Inst., Houston, 1251.
  4. Schmidt G., Pernicka E. (1994). The determination of platinum group elements (PGE) in target rocks and fall-back material of the Nordlinger Ries impact crater (Germany). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 5083-5090.
  5. Schmidt G., Palme H., Kratz K.-L. (1995). The fractionation of Os, Re, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pd and Au in impact melts from European impact craters (Saksjarvi, Mien and Dellen) and the determination of the meteoritic components. In Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXVI, 1237-1238.
  6. Schmidt G., Palme H., Kratz K.-L. (1995). The fractionation of platinum-group-elements in impact melts from european impact craters. Annales Geophysicae, Supplement of Vol. 13, 1995; Geophysicae 13, C742.
  7. Schmidt, G., Palme, H., Kratz, K.-L. (1997). Highly siderophile elements (Re, Os, Ir, Rh, Pd, Au) in impact melts from three European craters (Saaksjarvi, Mien and Dellen): clues to the nature of the impacting bodies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, 2977-2987.
  8. Schmidt, G. (1997). Clues to the nature of the impacting bodies from platinum-group elements (rhenium and gold) in borehole samples from the Clearwater East crater (Canada) and the Boltysh impact crater (Ukraine). Meteoritics and Planetary Science 32, 761-767.
  9. Schmidt G., Kratz K.-L., Palme H. (1997). Os, Re, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pd, Au in Borehole Samples from the Clearwater East Crater (Canada) and the Boltysh Impact Crater (Ukraine). In Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXVIII, Abstract #1030, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).