1. Djadkov P.G., Mikheeva A.V., Ivanova G.M. (2006). The Korchazh impact structure. 40 ESLAB Symposium: 1 International Conference on Impact Cratering in the Solar System, Noordwijk, 8-12 May, 2006, Noordwijk: ESA, P. 149 (cm.Abstr.)
  2. Mikheeva A.V. (2010). General laws of spatial-temporal distribution of the Earth's impact structures // Computing Center Bulletin. Ser. Math. model. in geoph. - Novosibirsk: NCC Publisher. - N.13. - P. 127-140.

Метеоритное происхождение кратера было подтверждено в 80-х годах московской Комиссией по метеоритам и космической пыли СО АН СССР, возглавляемой Юло Кестлане из Эстонии.

This structure looks like a funnel (see the topography map) with a small lake in the center and is named by natives as "Yama Korchazhikha", its diameter - ca 200-300 m, coordinates: 52,183 N, 106,767 E. Not far from it (< 1 km), the second smaller funnel locates (d~20m) that has more clear and expressive section profile. Its cosmic and impact origin was confirmed by a special Moscow meteoritic commission headed by Dr. U. V. Kestlane of the Estonian Academy of Sciences in the 80-s, but for a long time those materials were fogotten. According to spoken message of U. V. Kestlane, the age of this structure can be supposed about 80-100 thousands years and its origin is purely of impact. His assumptions is based on the geomorphology of structure.
(from full paper of Djadkov P.G., Mikheeva A.V., Ivanova G.M., 2006)

View from space.

1 : 25000 ( 1см - 250м )
Изолинии ч/з 5 м.

The 2010-fieldtrip fotos of "Yama Korchazhikha":

Разрез рельефа структуры "Яма Корчажиха", выполненный в системе EISC.

Обзор статей (из РЖ ВИНИТИ "Геология и геофизика"):

Представление нового каталога земных ударных структур, размещенного на сайте http://labmpg.sscc.ru/impact/. Каталог непрерывно обновляется и недавно туда внесена новая ударная структура Корчаж, расположенная вблизи Байкала
(Djadkov P.G., Mikheeva A.V., Ivanova G.M., 2006).

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